[Ubuntu-SG] [Bulk] Re: South-East Asian FOSS Collaboration

Muhammad Heidir dave33bravo at yahoo.com.sg
Tue Aug 12 13:24:11 UTC 2008

Ok. Can we draw up a plan on how to start, set goals and objectives? I
hope we could step up some effort practically rather than just
theoretically. Let's make it happen guys!

We could discuss about this on our meeting.

On Tue, 2008-08-12 at 18:28 +0800, John Thng wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 3:41 PM, Maung Myat Thu @ Billy Aung Myint
> <billy at ubuntu.sg> wrote:
>         That depends on the institution. If that institution says
>         laptop comes
>         with openoffice and firefox, I have no doubt HP and Toshiba
>         will do
>         that. 
>         Yes , I never understand why they have to upgrade the
>         office ... amazing
>         waste of public funds.
>         There are a few competitions .. such as google summer of code.
>         I can't
>         think of local competitions though.
>         Thats why we should start with schools and MOE. No parents
>         here? I sure
>         would like to hear from a parent.
>         That you gotta talk to the govt. We been kissing asses
>         everytime. BSA ,
>         RIAA and so on. Singapore economic depends on stability of
>         govt and
>         people and business. Change is not what govt wants. The same
>         people are
>         doing what they been doing the same things over over 40 years.
>         Why
>         expect any change soon?
> Ya, but currently, they are over-dependent on microsoft office. There
> might be ooxml files that is not the iso ooxml floating around. They
> should all be educated and try not to save in ooxml yet.
> I pity those innocent users who saved in the 1000-flawed ooxml format
> that is forced by default nowadays. Too bad there's no policy to warn
> users beforehand before they use it.
> And btw, the greatest act is to let those downloading and using
> pirated software be caught, whether it is home user or office user.
> MP3/Hollywood Movies have done that, why not apply it to software.
> There's lack of these law/act ... But I don't think they would do so,
> since propriety companies are controlling the anti-piracy
> organisation. Doing so will severely damage and force people to use
> legal software, in which they will slowly lose popularity.
> Ya, google summer of code is programming contest, but I'm not
> referring to these type. I'm referring to those who can use gimp to
> make the best image on the spot competition. Using those open source
> audio trackers to make the best music, using video editing tools to
> make the nicest looking video. It'll appeal to wide range of audience.
> For schools, I think they sign up those yearly academic price plan,
> whenever there's new release, they can upgrade the software for free
> due to subscription. What I want to see is they should include
> OpenOffice.org alongside with Microsoft Office at least.
> And I forget to tell, most teachers are windows trained. Even though
> there's a group last time that want to bring oss out in education it
> died cos of 0 activity I guess.
> http://groups.google.sg/group/ossie-sg?hl=en
> This is the link. You can check it out. Sometimes we need to unite
> various groups and plan together, else say is one thing, implement is
> another.
> Singaporeans are much practical, the spirit of open source is to
> convince it is better than proprietary. But I prefer the spirit of
> Free Software, which is about sharing. But to normal users, good they
> use(whether it's pirated or not), not good they don't use. Many prefer
> to use pirated photoshop than to ask them use gimp. (that's why I
> highlight there's a need to "catch" these users and give them good
> warning)
> Regards
> John
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