Triage report for bugs last updated on 2023-10-26

Mitchell Dzurick mitchell.dzurick at
Fri Oct 27 17:38:53 UTC 2023

Bugs last updated on 2023-10-26 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"

LP: #1847778
<> | Failed
to dump keys: (0x562f7054c330) Illegal slab id,  hos…
One user replaced their SSD and reinstalled the OS and can not reproduce
the issue. I set it to incomplete and asked the original bug reporter if
they are still affected.

LP: #2040281 <>
|mkhomedir and pam_mount incompatibility
I tried to reproduce the bug with the given instructions from the bug
reporter. I don't think I reproduced the bug properly, so asking if the
results I see are similar to what the bug reporter is seeing. I set it back
to incomplete to await a response from the user.

LP: #2040984 <>
| Unmet dependencies or better documentation  needed
A request for documentation for autofs on the dependency of smbclient. I
added server-triage-discuss so we can discuss if we want to make such a
change to an SRU, or just improve the documentation going forward. My hunch
is not to fix SRU, but to improve it for NN+.

Discourse Comment Triage Helper
Showing comments belonging to the Server category on, updated on 2023-10-26 (Thursday)
+[Spec] <> improve error and… [holmanb,
New spec for cloud-init error/warning visibility. Nothing to do here.
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