Triage report for bugs last updated on 2023-11-22

Paride Legovini paride at
Mon Nov 27 17:49:35 UTC 2023

Team 'ubuntu-server' currently subscribed to 246 bugs
Bugs last updated on 2023-11-22 (Wednesday)
Date range identified as: "Thursday triage"

Found 17 bugs, two worth mentioning.

# drbd-utils timeout issue with Pacemaker

The user verified the candidate fix from a PPA that Sergio prepared.
I updated the bug metadata accordingly (Triaged, Fix Released in
the devel release, server-todo). We have a simple, Jammy-only SRU.

# .erlang.cookie overwritten if 20 uppercase characters

AIUI there's logic in postinst that replaces an insecure auto-generated
erlang cookie with a secure one, but apparently this can in some
conditions break rabbitmq clusters. I suggested re-filing in Debian to
get the Debian maintainer in the loop, and because I believe we should
avoid deviation from Debian on this aspect.

This is in my opinion low priority (requires a very specific
configuration, and AFAICT this the first report about it).


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