PHP for KK cycle (was Re: Merge Opportunities Report - 2022-05-02)

Utkarsh Gupta utkarsh.gupta at
Tue May 3 06:30:59 UTC 2022


On Tue, May 3, 2022 at 9:54 AM Bryce Harrington
<bryce.harrington at> wrote:
> > cacti                           1.2.16+ds1-2ubuntu1       1.2.19+ds1-2         Bryce Harrington
> > mediawiki                       1:1.35.5-1ubuntu3         1:1.35.5-2           Bryce Harrington
> > php-cache-tag-interop           1.0.1-1ubuntu1            1.1.0-1              Utkarsh Gupta
> > phploc                          7.0.2-1ubuntu1            7.0.2-2              Bryce Harrington
> > rainloop                        1.14.0-3ubuntu1           1.16.0+dfsg-1        Bryce Harrington
> > php-pear                  1:1.10.13+submodules+notgz+2022032202-2 1:1.10.12+submodules+notgz+20210212-1ubuntu3
> The above packages IIRC are leaf apps, that should be relatively
> straightforward merges.  Hopefully in some cases the delta can be
> dropped and the package sync'd.  I'd suggest prioritizing them just to
> get them out of the way before anything crazy hits.

In my opinion, since we have time, I'd like to drop this delta and get
this in-sync w/ Debian. That'd mean two things here:

a) Check if we can safely drop the delta; i.e. the package in Debian
builds w/o FTBFS, et al, in Ubuntu.
b) If we still need the delta, send MRs, debdiffs, et al, to Debian.

Athos, send MRs to Debian in such cases and let us know via
#debian-php (the place where we once talked) and I can sponsor your
uploads there. This way we'll reduce the technical-debt we've gained
over the months now. And I'd really want that.

> > doctrine                        2.8.4+dfsg-1ubuntu2       2.11.1+dfsg-1        Bryce Harrington
> > php-doctrine-cache              1.10.2-2ubuntu1           2.1.1-3              Utkarsh Gupta
> > php-symfony-contracts           2.4.0-1ubuntu2            2.5.0-2              Utkarsh Gupta
> > php-symfony-security-acl        3.1.1-1ubuntu2            3.2.0-1              Bryce Harrington
> > symfony                         5.2.6+dfsg-1ubuntu7       5.4.4+dfsg-1         Bryce Harrington
> The doctrine/symfony ecosystem was a big challenge last cycle, you
> may remember all my complaints about circular dependencies.
> Unfortunately, skipping merges will merely make future work that
> much harder, so this is best to tackle sooner rather than later.
> Since these are more complicated, and since I am more up on what's what
> with these, why don't I deal with these this cycle.  I'll try to get
> them into a sensible state, or leave docs, so if they need merged again
> next cycle hopefully the work will be more straightforward.

Or let me know as well. I could certainly help given I know the
doctrine/symfony bits quite well by now. :)

I could assist with the circular dependency hellholes or/and with the
docs or/and with anything you might have questions about/around. Feel
free to even assign things to me. :)

- u

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