Triage report for: 2022-03-18 -> 2022-03-20

Paride Legovini paride at
Mon Mar 21 13:58:41 UTC 2022

Bugs last updated between 2022-03-18 (Friday) and 2022-03-20
Date range identified as: "Monday triage"
Found 21 bugs

Quite some triage work to do on this weekend's bugs; as few of them are
worth mentioning here:

LP: #1712223 -      Confirmed     [open-vm-tools]     - open-vm-tools
does not work under wayland

New activity on this old bug about open-vm-tools misbehaving on wayland.
It is not entirely clear to me what's wrong, so I asked for more info.
Back in 2017 this was triaged with Importance: High.


LP: #1909822 -      New           [bind9]             - named fails to
listen dynamic ipv6 address on startup

(Which also mentions LP: #1909822 that we forgot to triage.)

I consider this from a more generic point of view: AFAIK we miss a
general and reliable way to determine when network in ready (or "ready
enough") to start services that rely on network being ready.

Some users are working around this via things like:

  ExecStartPre=/bin/sleep 10

I think there's room of improvement here, and there may be tricks I'm
not aware of, so I marked this server-triage-discuss.


LP: #1965523 -      New           [libvirt]           - Server Team
Backports PPA: latest upgrades to libvirt shuts down domains without
restarting them

Bug report against the server-backports PPA. This is LP: #1959054 biting
again, this time via focal-backports. I filed a BPO request for
debhelper (LP: #1965758), while Christian is uploading a workaround to
the server-backports PPA.


LP: #1965675 -      New           [qemu]              - qemu-system
looses network connectivity even at low loads

I'm impressed by the number of guests this user tested. In any case I
doubt the culprit is qemu. Asked for more info and marked incomplete.


Bugs subscribed to ubuntu-server and not touched in 180 days:


LP: #1872145 -      Triaged       [openssh]           - explicit key
offered after all agent keys, auth can fail before explicit key used

Leaving it Wishlist (waiting for upstream), but I suggested a couple of
workarounds, one being OpenSSH 8.9 "destination constraints" for keys
loaded into ssh-agent, see ssh-add(1).


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