Wednesday Triage Report (2022-06-22)

Sergio Durigan Junior sergio.durigan at
Wed Jun 22 13:03:23 UTC 2022

ustriage found 18 bugs.  These are the noteworthy ones:

### - *(Triaged) [smartmontools] - smartctl
    assert failure: free(): invalid pointer

I tried helping here, but Christian Franke is an upstream contributor
(maintainer?) who obviously knows more than me about smartmontools.  I
believe the bug is in good hands (and I have a lot on my plate already),
so I didn't touch it.

### - *(Triaged) [fetchmail] - man page “passes
    the buck” to a dead end for .netrc docs

I'm not touching this one.

### - (New) [libqb] - Spurious Pacemaker errors:
    couldn't create file for mmap

Lena's PPA seems to solve the issue.  Not sure if she would like to
drive this to completion or if someone else (Lucas?) will take over.

### - (New) [php7.4] - package
    libapache2-mod-php7.4 7.4.3-4ubuntu2.10 failed to i…


Bugs tagged "-needs-merge -needs-sync -needs-oci-update -needs-snap-update -needs-mre-backport -needs-ppa-backport" and subscribed "ubuntu-server" and not touched in 60 days
Found 1 bugs

### - +(Triaged) [spamassassin] - spamd running
    with virtual-config-dir mkdir error

This has been fixed upstream, but as Robie mentioned it doesn't seem to
affect a lot of people.  I haven't touched it; I believe Michał could
perhaps work on this one next?

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