Tuesday bug triage report (this week and last week)

Lucas Kanashiro lucas.kanashiro at canonical.com
Wed Jan 12 14:06:37 UTC 2022


I did the bug triage for this Tuesday (2022-01-11) and last week's Tuesday
(2022-01-04). In last week's triage, I did not have much to do, most of the
bugs came up because of Christian's triage on Monday. In this week's
triage, I got some bugs expiring due to no reply from the reporter when
asked for more info, the only thing I did was to correctly set the status
of this apache2 bug to Fix Released (the security team already released the
patches to fix the mentioned CVEs):

https://pad.lv/1956386 - (Triaged)        [apache2]           - CVE patch

No bugs added to our work queues and nothing to be re-triaged from our
backlog or tagged as server-next.

Lucas Kanashiro.
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