Wednesday bug triage report (2022-08-23)
Athos Ribeiro
athos.ribeiro at
Fri Aug 26 11:16:51 UTC 2022
On Thu, Aug 25, 2022 at 05:35:18PM -0700, Bryce Harrington wrote:
>On Wed, Aug 24, 2022 at 10:45:10AM -0300, Athos Ribeiro wrote:
>> Bugs last updated on 2022-08-23 (Tuesday)
>> Date range identified as: "Wednesday triage"
>> Found 26 bugs
>> Some of them are being taken care of, some others expired due to lack of
>> responsiveness from reporters after being set to incomplete.
>> These are the ones worh mentioning here:
>> - +(Incomplete) [php8.1] - package libapache2-mod-php8.1 8.1.2-1ubuntu2.2 failed to in…
>> - (Expired) [php7.4] - package libapache2-mod-php7.4 7.4.3-4ubuntu2.10 failed to i…
>> While there may be not enough data here, I am wondering if these relates to
>> Bryce's work on the PHP upgrade paths somehow. I could not find evidence in
>> LP: #1890263 for relating those though. Moreover, the mentioned work was
>> applied to one of those packages and not to the other. Still worth mentioning
>> this one here so we are aware of future duplications, so we can keep asking
>> reporters for more information.
>> I moved the expired one back to incomplete and asked both for their apache2
>> logs, which may contain additional information to debug these issues.
>The php7.4 bug's DpkgTerminalLog.txt shows the user has both nginx and
>apache2 installed, as Sergio already noted. Perhaps they're configured
>to use the same port, and since apache2 starts second it fails to start
>up? I don't think this one has to do with the PHP upgrade paths.
>For the other bug, looking at DpkgHistoryLog.txt the user installed
>filezilla using packagekit (via Software Updater presumably), and then
>started hitting some (unreported) error. They tried using
>`apt --fix-broken install` a bunch of times, then did `apt autoremove`
>that uninstalled a bunch of packages including libapache2-mod-php7.4.
>Following that, the user then purged apache2 and apt remove apache2*.
>The next day, they tried upgrading their system, re-installed apache2,
>and found at that point that modphp errored on installation. The
>triaging has been correctly done - we're missing the error info needed
>to see why modphp failed - however I think this person's system was in
>an inconsistent state, so it may be hard to boil this down to an
>actionable fix.
Thanks for having a look there and for the detailed reply, Bryce!
>> ---
>> Bugs tagged "-needs-merge -needs-sync -needs-oci-update -needs-snap-update -needs-mre-backport -needs-ppa-backport" and subscribed "ubuntu-server" and not touched in 60 days
>> Found 0 bugs
>> ---
>> Bugs subscribed to ubuntu-server and not touched in 180 days
>> Found 1 bugs
>> - (Triaged) [open-iscsi] - Laptop does not suspend when using open-iscsi
>> This seems to still be valid. It is triaged and in the backlog, hence, I did not touch it.
>> --
>> Athos Ribeiro
>> --
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Athos Ribeiro
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