Wednesday bug triage report (2022-04-19)

Athos Ribeiro athos.ribeiro at
Mon Apr 25 11:21:16 UTC 2022

This is the Wednesday triage for last week. While there were not many bugs for
that day, a few are worth mentioning here:

Bugs last updated on 2022-04-19 (Tuesday)
Date range identified as: "Wednesday triage"
Found 7 bugs - (Confirmed)      [libvirt]           - rpc-worker: debugfs access is restricted

   There is a qemu patch to solve the issue. subscribed the team and
   added qemu to the bug. - (New)            [dpdk]              - running dpdk-testpmd shows Failed to execute command of OP_… - (New)            [dpdk]              - dpdk-testpmd test shows init vf failed with in-tree driver …

   These two bugs came from the same reporter. From his logs, it seems he
   is running a local build of dpdk. I asked for more information on
   these ones and set the bug to incomplete.

Athos Ribeiro

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