Friday bug triage

Utkarsh Gupta utkarsh.gupta at
Fri May 21 16:38:57 UTC 2021

Bugs last updated on 2021-05-20 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"
Found 16 bugs

Whist most of them seem to be under control, the
only one worth mentioning is:

LP: #1778073 - *(Incomplete) [dnsmasq] - dnsmasq and
resolvconf hangs on start

This bug received an update roughly after 2 years.
Another user who might've hit this bug did some
debugging and reported his findings. I've further
forwarded the findings to the Debian bug, reported
in 2017 and CC'ed the maintainer, who's also the
upstream maintainer.

- u

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