Merge Opportunities Report - 2021-03-01

Bryce Harrington bryce.harrington at
Mon Mar 1 18:49:11 UTC 2021

Utkarsh asked for a rundown of which subset of these packages appear to
be bugfix-only (thus mergeable without FFe).  Here's my take:

## Potential Sync? ##

The ubuntu delta for these packages is now in Debian or upstream, and
looks like we may be able to sync the package now.

>   cyrus-sasl2               2.1.27+dfsg-2.1                       2.1.27+dfsg-2ubuntu1                
>   php-pear                  1:1.10.12+submodules+notgz+20210212-1 1:1.10.9+submodules+notgz-1.1ubuntu1
>   screen                    4.8.0-6                               4.8.0-5build2                       
>   kronosnet                 1.20-4                                1.20-2                              
>   w3m                       0.5.3+git20210102-6                   0.5.3+git20210102-3build1           

## Bugfix-only ##

These updates have targeted bugfixes and do not appear to be introducing
new features or behavior changes.  So these look workable:

>   open-iscsi                2.1.3-2                               2.1.3-1ubuntu4                      
>   autofs                    5.1.7-1                               5.1.6-4ubuntu1                      
>   bridge-utils              1.7-1                                 1.6-5ubuntu1                        
>   openvpn                   2.5.1-1                               2.5.0-1ubuntu1                      
>   sssd                      2.4.1-2                               2.4.0-1ubuntu5                      

(Note that you should still analyze to doublecheck there are no features
or behavior changes; if there are, you may want to either just
cherrypick out the bugfix patches, or prepare a FeatureFreeze

## Larger Updates ##

These packages might be ok to include, but they include a lot of changes
(either upstream or in Debian) and/or feature/behavior changes, so
probably worth accompanying with a FFe

>   crmsh                     4.2.1-1                               4.2.0-4ubuntu1                      
>   freeipmi                  1.6.6-3                               1.6.4-3ubuntu2                      
>   php7.4                    7.4.15-5+deb11u1                      7.4.11-1ubuntu3                     

## Experimental ##

These are updated in Debian experimental, and some are introducing new
upstream releases or pre-releases, so may be higher risk for inclusion.
Unless we have specific needs, these probably should be deferred to next

>   tmux                      3.2~rc3-1                 3.1c-1                   
>   containerd                1.5.0~beta2~ds1-1         1.4.3-0ubuntu1           
>   haproxy                   2.3.5-1                   2.2.9-1build1            
>   php-defaults              80~exp1                   76ubuntu1                
>   pkg-php-tools             1.41                      1.40                     
>   python-django             2:3.2~beta1-1             2:2.2.19-1               
>   spamassassin              4.0.0~0.0svn1886510-1     3.4.5~pre1-3             

## Later ##

These look like modest updates, cleanups, and other non-bugfix updates.
Or may be simply pulling in Ubuntu's delta into Debian.  Also, some of
these can be time consuming or tricky to merge, or tend to be handled by
other teams in Canonical.  So while these may be low risk, they're also
lower in value and higher in effort, so may be less worth working on
unless there are specific demands for them:

>   apache2                   2.4.46-4                              2.4.46-2ubuntu1                     
>   samba                     2:4.13.4+dfsg-1                       2:4.13.3+dfsg-1ubuntu2              
>   sosreport                 4.0-2                                 4.0-1ubuntu9                        
>   chrony                    4.0-6                                 4.0-5ubuntu2                        
>   corosync                  3.1.0-3                               3.1.0-2ubuntu1                      
>   libvirt                   7.0.0-3                               7.0.0-2ubuntu1                      
>   mysql-defaults            1.0.7                                 1.0.5ubuntu2                        
>   rsync                     3.2.3-4                               3.2.3-3ubuntu1                      
>   runc                      1.0.0~rc93+ds1-2                      1.0.0~rc92-0ubuntu1                 
>   squid                     4.13-5                                4.13-1ubuntu2                       
>   subunit                   1.4.0-3                               1.4.0-0ubuntu1                      

## No-Change ##

These are just rebuilds on Debian's side.

>   checksecurity             2.0.16+nmu2                           2.0.16+nmu1ubuntu1                  
>   kerberos-configs          2.6+nmu1                              2.6ubuntu1                          


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