Bug Triage Report (Friday 8th January)

Sergio Durigan Junior sergiodj at ubuntu.com
Mon Jan 11 22:43:52 UTC 2021

On Friday, January 08 2021, Christian Ehrhardt wrote:

> Samba 1892145
> This was an unclear crash for a while, but a user crash analysis LGTM and
> with that I found an existing upstream fix. Needs SRUs to Focal and Groovy.
> I marked it server-next, Sergio could you look at these SRUs?

Thanks, Christian.  This has been on my list since last Friday, but I
forgot to reply here.

> Bind9 1909950
> Unless we find that this is a misconfiguration somewhere this seems concerning
> as it is about depleting (and thereby DoSing) bind servers by the ignorance of
> timeouts. The discussion needs to continue on the bug to clarify how to trigger
> it, but then one should try to recreate - subscribed the Team.

I also subscribed myself to this one.

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