Tuesday bug triage

Utkarsh Gupta utkarsh.gupta at canonical.com
Tue Apr 6 14:52:20 UTC 2021

Bugs last updated on 2021-04-05 (Monday)
Date range identified as: "Tuesday triage"
Found 8 bugs

I did this triage with Lucas Kanashiro, thanks! \o/

All of the bugs are under control, that is, either being worked upon
by someone, or incomplete, or simply needs more information.
Thus nothing noteworthy to mention today.

However, as a reminder:

Bugs tagged 'server-next' and not touched in 60 days
Found 1 bugs
### https://pad.lv/1892145 - (Confirmed) [samba] - smbclient cannot
    connect anonymously in Kerberos context (freeipa)

- u

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