Triage report (2021-04-01)
Paride Legovini
paride at
Thu Apr 1 16:11:01 UTC 2021
Pair triage done with Utkarsh Gupta (~utkarsh) today.
Ustriage found 26 bugs, basically all of them already assigned, being
worked at, or in their final state. None worth mentioning. No bugs added
to our work queues.
I found this request for an openssh patch inclusion interesting:
LP: #1922130 - (New) [openssh] - Request addition of
Fedora / Redhat sftp-force-permissions patch
mostly because it's a simple patch and it's shipped by many major
distros, so I'm surprised that they didn't manage to upstream it.
Triaged this as a Wishlist bug suggesting to refile it in Debian or poke
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