boxfort migration issue

Sergio Durigan Junior sergio.durigan at
Thu Sep 24 14:49:45 UTC 2020

On Thursday, September 24 2020, Bryce Harrington wrote:

> Sergio, if I recall correctly, you mentioned Friday that you wanted to
> get some experience with package removals for your core dev application?

Hey Bryce,

You do recall correctly :-)

> In doing +1 maintenance I ran across a migration item where I think a
> removal would be involved, so if you're interested you might take a
> look.  Here's my notes:
> * boxfort (0.0.0-git20200105-3e16c0a-6 to 0.0.0-git20200808-ac0507b-3)
>   - missing build on armhf: libboxfort, libboxfort-dev
>   - Two issues (I think...) from 0.0.0-git20200808-ac0507b-1
>     + Debian limited architectures for libboxfort-dev from "any" to just
>       "amd64 arm64 i386"
>     + Debian stopped building libboxfort
>   - libboxfort binary package needs to be removed from the archive
>   - Possibly libboxfort-dev:armhf binary package needs some sort of
>     attention (not sure)
> describes the
> technicals of how to remove a package as an archive administer, but I
> think what you'd need to do actually is file a bug against the package
> in question and subscribe the ubuntu-archive team.  If you look at bug
> reports that team is subscribed to you can probably find an example
> removal request for inspiration.
> If you do plan on taking it let me know, otherwise I'll try to tackle it
> at some point tomorrow or Friday.

Thanks!  I can take a closer look at it tomorrow and proceed with the
removal process, yeah.  I will let you know how things go.

Thanks a lot :-).

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