Monday bug triage duty - 12th October 2020

Thomas Ward teward at
Mon Oct 12 15:16:02 UTC 2020


On 10/12/20 10:58 AM, Christian Ehrhardt wrote:
> 1899164 nginx
> A rather detailed report about build time options, I subscribed the team.
> But lacking the background details I also subscribed teward (who knows
> much
> better) and asked him to comment.

No need to sub me as I'm already subbed to all NGINX bugs, just poke me.

Regarding the bug, though, this is Won't Fix.  The compile time prefixes
are set by Debian, and NGINX Upstream does something similar with their
prebuilt packages.  All the prefixes the bug poster indicated are
erroring on can be overridden with the proper nginx.conf options - so
the original poster needs to dig into the nginx documentation and with
their CUSTOMIZED nginx.conf override the prefixes with the proper
configuration arguments.  That applies to almost all nginx options that
have a precoded, compile-time prefix path.  Easily overridden with the
proper configuration arguments.

So, I finished the triage on that bug - it's been Won't Fix'd by me
because we're not going to remove those compile time prefix options.  To
remove them would introduce breakages to things that aren't set by
default, and I can't begin to determine the scope of the breakage.  It'd
also add another substantial divergence from Debian, and since NGINX
upstream does similar configuration prefix setting at compile time in
their repositories, it's not going to be 'removed' when the person in
question can just override those prefixes with custom configuration
arguments in their (sparse) nginx.conf.


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