Proposed migration report for 2020-01-29 (Wednesday)

Bryce Harrington bryce.harrington at
Thu Jan 30 04:39:43 UTC 2020

## Proposed Migration ##

I again collected everyone's recent proposed migration notes, and this
time as an experiment stuck them in wiki:

It would be nice to keep per-package notes in the update-excuses page,
but from our meeting with slangasek it's clear that's easier said than
done.  I'm wondering if keeping those notes in a wiki would be "the next
best thing" to that, or if it'd just be "one more thing to have to
check".  Give it a shot, see what you think.

### re2c ###

In addition to collecting the various info, I looked just a little into

This is blocked on i386 due to a bunch of test failures, including some
relating to "stadfa", and a scattering other others.

Debian ran into a build issue due to a build date in the manual page
which they've fixed in this version. Debian has an unreleased 1.3-2 that
contains a build-dep for python3-pygments (this doesn't appear related
to the test failure afaict.)

The autopkgtest essentially just runs the upstream testsuite, which
passes fine on i386, so the issue presumably is due to something
distinct about the autopkgtest platform/hardware/set-of-x86-features...?

LP: #1859980 is open for this migration issue.

## Bug Triage ##

Date range identified as: "Wednesday triage"
Found 21 bugs

Most took no action.  Items of note below:

LP: #1853760 - (Expired)        [php7.2]         - php 7.2 has dependency problems and they are not letting to update apache2 and php7.2 * modules
* Still not enough info to troubleshoot (the provided logs don't cover
  the time period when the error occurred).
* Looks like a typical update error where an unrelated service is left
--> Gave general advice for resolving apt issues with unconfigured
--> Set to incomplete.

LP: #1821729 - (New)            [edk2]           - UEFI in ovmf package causes kernel panic
* Debian maintainer had been advising previously.
* Re-ping for status on this bug.
--> Gave some advice on next steps, to do git-biset, or a process trace,
    or else exact steps to reproduce and/or simplified test case.

LP: #1861177 - (New)            [libseccomp]     - seccomp_rule_add is very slow
* Fix identified and proposed in Debian for inclusion
* Looks pretty close to patch-on-a-plate, and appears needed by Canonical 
--> Attached patch
--> Marked triaged
--> Tagged server-next

LP: #1861222 - (New)            [libvirt]        - Libvirt parallel shutdown is not truly parallel when agent-based shutdown is used
--> Asked if it affects current libvirt as well, or only on 18.04


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