Merge Opportunities Report - 2020-02-17

Bryce Harrington bryce.harrington at
Mon Feb 17 13:06:46 UTC 2020

New Version in Debian Unstable
high  apache2                   2.4.41-4                          2.4.41-1ubuntu1                         
high  nut                       2.7.4-12                          2.7.4-11ubuntu4                         
high  samba                     2:4.11.5+dfsg-1                   2:4.11.1+dfsg-3ubuntu4                  
high  squid                     4.10-1                            4.9-2ubuntu3                            
low   corosync                  3.0.3-2                           3.0.2-1ubuntu2                          
low   exim4                     4.93-11                           4.93-9ubuntu1                           
low   fetchmail                 6.4.2-2                           6.4.1-1ubuntu1                          
low   libdbi-drivers            0.9.0-8                           0.9.0-6ubuntu2                          
low   nss                       2:3.50-1                          2:3.49.1-1ubuntu1                       
low   python-seamicroclient     0.4.0+2016.05.20.git.40ee44c664-3 0.4.0+2016.05.20.git.40ee44c664-2ubuntu1
low   rdma-core                 28.0-1                            27.0-2ubuntu3                           
low   runc                      1.0.0~rc10+dfsg1-1                1.0.0~rc8+git20190923.3e425f80-0ubuntu1 
low   strongswan                5.8.2-2                           5.8.2-1ubuntu1                          
low   unbound                   1.9.6-2                           1.9.4-2ubuntu1                          
low   vlan                      2.0.5                             2.0.4ubuntu1                            

New Version in Experimental
high  bind9                     1:9.15.7-1                1:9.11.14+dfsg-3ubuntu1  
high  tmux                      3.1~rc1-1                 3.0a-2                   
low   dpdk                      19.11-3                   19.11-2ubuntu2           
low   libvirt                   6.0.0-1                   6.0.0-0ubuntu3           

New Upstream not in Debian
high  logwatch                  7.5.2/logwatch-7.5.2      7.5.2-1ubuntu1           
(Low priority upstream releases skipped)

high == Packages seeded for Ubuntu-Server
low == Non-seeded packages Server team is subscribed to

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