Triage and Migration Report - Friday 14th

Christian Ehrhardt christian.ehrhardt at
Fri Feb 14 08:27:57 UTC 2020

## Triage Report ##

Found 19 bugs to triage today.
As usual after the first pass excluding updates by the team being under
control only two were left.

Some discussions/triage needed for two of them - none of them seemed
important enough to bring them up here.

## Proposed Migration ##

Xen moved to 4.11 - libxen* was split and is a small transition now:

- Collectd is part of the Xen 4.11 migration and needed a no change
rebuild. I tested that along my qemu/libvirt work and it was fine, so I
uploaded a no-change rebuild today.
Xen split its former monolithic lib and the new dep is only on
libxenmisc4.11 now.

I also worked on qemu and libvirt that are the remaining bits of the
transition of xen to 4.11. Those uploads are all ready and building in
Focal now. I'll track and help migration of these over the weekend and on

## Misc ##
Happy Valentine's Day, go out and do something nice ... with your most
beloved bug :-)

Christian Ehrhardt
Staff Engineer, Ubuntu Server
Canonical Ltd
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