Triage and Migration report - Wed Feb 12, 2020

Rafael David Tinoco rafaeldtinoco at
Thu Feb 13 13:17:21 UTC 2020

> > Yep, pacemaker has some issues for i386 as well. Migration is blocked
> > because of that. I also assumed we didn't have to do anything here.
> The existing test failures for packages in the release pocket have all been
> hinted away so that they don't impact velocity, but it's the responsibility
> of uploaders to address the failing autopkgtests as part of the new upload,
> whether that's analyzing the failures and recommending to the release team
> that the failures be permanently ignored, or fix the tests for
> cross-testing.

Definitely! We do that, and it's a "general" rule among us to check migrations
every morning, as an example of what you said. My thought was that we had
something else on-going for the i386-only autopkgtests. If not, I'll just go
ahead and hint it for i386 based on latest failures.

Thank you!

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