Triage and Proposed Migration report

Christian Ehrhardt christian.ehrhardt at
Fri Feb 7 12:33:13 UTC 2020

## Triage ##

31 bugs were a lot for a Friday, but after a first pass I relaized the
majority was just the Feature-Freeze-Frenzy-Effect with many bugs being
closed in the recent days.
Eventually three were left that needed real initial triaging and some work.

Interesting cases today.

- postgresql 1862138
  Stopping the generic overarchinvg service doesn't wait synchronously
until the generated
  services for each cluster stop. We are missing a good idea hwo to achieve
that systemd-wise
  if you have hints please feel free to add them to the bug.

- spamassassin 1862154
  Patch on a plate, but missing steps to reproduce to get the SRU
processing started.
  If anyone reading this can help with instructions how to recreate this
please add
  the info to the bug.

Proposed Migration

- after fixing memcached (LP: #1861783) in the recent days Debian has
  taken my patch now. I synced 1.5.22-2 to not forget about it later.

- wal2json is the remaining bit we can resolve for postgresql-11 removal
right now.
  But it has issues on i386 and armhf -
  I was working with the Debian maintainer to disable those architectures
for now.
  Version 2.0-2 is coming and will resolve the current issue.

- Also worked on strongswan which failed i386 which IMHO shouldn#t even
have ben executed
  Eventually I filed

- Furthermore qemu which was blocked by some component mismatches got out
of proposed tonight

Christian Ehrhardt
Staff Engineer, Ubuntu Server
Canonical Ltd
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