Triage and Migration report Monday 28th October

Christian Ehrhardt christian.ehrhardt at
Mon Oct 28 13:58:49 UTC 2019

## Triage ##
Had a good list of 22 bugs today.
Fortunately 17 of them were updates by the team or related people
working on the issues already.
That left 5 to actually triage of which all ended up as incomplete
either missing reasonable logs or clearly being support requests that
had to be redirected to community support.

## Proposed-Migration ##

- ruby2.5 related there were a bunch of test fails rake,
ruby-test-unit, libyaml.
  They all looked like transient errors, so for now I just restarted the tests.
  On the next days one might check how they appear now.

- haproxy,dpdk, crmsh, nginx, dbconfig-common, xen-tools, ssh-agent-filter
  and a few more had transient armhf test issues (all restarted)
  All net issues to fetch packages on armhf
  This haproxy sync will also fix 1841936 in Focal btw

- still a bunch of python transition related packages showing up
  As last week those are usually worked on by Doko and he reaches
  out if things are non trivial.

- lxc tests are blocking a few transitons systemd, rsync
  @Stgraber - are those test issues known and addressed already?

- php7.3
  This is FTBFS but AFAIK bryce is already on that.

- postgresql-11 has quite a lot of related test fails
  But then postgresql-12 is already in proposed and eventually the only
  one in Focal, we might focus on this one instead.
  Story continues in the next issue below ...

- I was asked by doko about asyncpg (again postgresql related P-migration issue)
  We formerly had delta that was all in upstream now and became a sync.
  But fails to self-test properly around something with PG-12.
  I opened and worked a bit on bug
  Eventually became clear to be a mismatch of libpq-dev and
default-version which will be fixed
  in the next postgresql-common upload (needs a syncpackage once available)

Christian Ehrhardt
Staff Engineer, Ubuntu Server
Canonical Ltd

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