Triage report for bugs touched on 2019-11-26
Andreas Hasenack
andreas at
Tue Nov 26 21:58:08 UTC 2019
== Triage ==
26 bugs
Most came from Monday's triage
#1849859, #1853743: samba printing problems
Looks like samba in eoan+ has printing problems, as we got two similar
bugs about that. Christian found an upstream bug about it too, and
this seems to be a regression introduced in 4.8 that also affects 4.9
and 4.10. I'll get to it soon.
LP: #1853636 - +(Incomplete) [mysql-5.7] - Client SSL
connection errors in 5.7.28
This one is interesting, because in mysql 5.7.28, the internal ssl
implementation was dropped in favor of the system wide openssl
library. Further details are necessary.
== Proposed migration check ==
Many packages stuck in migration. A big chunk is about postgresql-12
and python 3.8, both of which I'll help with this week since I'm back
from holidays.
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