Server team meeting minutes: 2016-05-10

Robie Basak robie.basak at
Tue May 10 16:51:08 UTC 2016

Review ACTION points from previous meeting

The discussion about "Review ACTION points from previous meeting"
started at 16:00.

    No actions from previous meeting. 

Development Release

The discussion about "Development Release" started at 16:00.

    Release Bugs (16:01)

        rbasak noted that nacc's git importer will be online sometime
this week, and merges will then be able to progress more easily. 

Assigned merges/bugwork (rbasak)

The discussion about "Assigned merges/bugwork (rbasak)" started at

    rbasak has triaged some bugs, tagging some "bitesize", and advised
prospective Ubuntu developers to take a look at these. 

Server & Cloud Bugs (caribou)

The discussion about "Server & Cloud Bugs (caribou)" started at 16:05.

    Squid, Samba and MySQL bugs noted; all are in progress. Nothing else
in particular to bring up. 

Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team

The discussion about "Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team"
started at 16:06.

    No questions to or from the QA team
    jgrimm noted that the Canonical Server Team currently have an open
QA position and invited applications and recommendations. 

Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb, sforshee, arges)

The discussion about "Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team
(smb, sforshee, arges)" started at 16:07.

    No questions to/from the kernel team 

Upcoming Call For Papers

The discussion about "Upcoming Call For Papers" started at 16:10.

    No upcoming CfPs of note 

Ubuntu Server Team Events

The discussion about "Ubuntu Server Team Events" started at 16:11.

    No upcoming events of note 

Open Discussion

The discussion about "Open Discussion" started at 16:11.

    hallyn noted that the libvirt merge will be landing soon.


Announce next meeting date, time and chair

The discussion about "Announce next meeting date, time and chair"
started at 16:18.

    The next meeting will be at Tue 17 May 16:00:00 UTC 2016. jamespage
will chair. 

Full agenda and log:

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