Cloud-init timeout...

Martinx - ジェームズ thiagocmartinsc at
Sun Oct 11 20:36:41 UTC 2015

Hey guys,

 Sorry to ask this question here but, I'm trying to create a CentOS
6.7 QCoW2 image for running in on OpenStack, with Cloud Init but, to
test the image, I'll be running it outside of OpenStack...

 And, I'm facing the following problem:

 I've configured the file "10_ec2_timeouts.cfg" with:

    timeout : 20
    max_wait : 30

 But, the timeout is valid only for the first try, look:


 Then, "[CRITICAL]: Giving up on md from
[''] after 30
seconds" and there is another 120s of waiting...

 So, how can I reduce all timeouts (not only the first try) ?

 BTW, I'm asking this "CentOS question" here, because it is related to
cloud-init (I think), and cloud-init experts are here...     :-)


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