Server team meeting minutes: 2015-11-17

oomprakash at oomprakash at
Fri Nov 20 15:33:35 UTC 2015

My apologies as for having missed this meeting.

please excuse typos, sent from handheld device

From: Robie Basak

Sent: Friday 20 November 19:55

Subject: Server team meeting minutes: 2015-11-17

To: ubuntu-devel at, ubuntu-server at

* rbasak listed areas that he thinks needs looking at before Xenial feature freeze on 18 Feb. hallyn pointed out that this should be in a blueprint, so rbasak agreed to take an action to create one. Some work item assignments were made for the blueprint. * No other discussion was required for the other standing agenda items. * Meeting actions assigned: - rbasak look at and - rbasak to create blueprint for Xenial feature work - rbasak to find kickinz1 a merge to do * The next meeting will be on Tue Nov 24 16:00:00 UTC 2015 in #ubuntu-meeting. Full agenda and log: 

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