MaaS/Juju questions

Jasper Aikema jasper at
Tue May 8 19:58:24 UTC 2012

Op 07-05-12 15:14, Anders Bruun Olsen schreef:
> Hi,
> I am trying out MaaS and Juju for the first time and have run into a 
> couple of questions that I haven't been able to find answers to in the 
> documentation or by searching.
> My setup is as follows: One server installed from scratch with the 
> "create maas server" option on the 12.04 server cdrom and two nodes 
> that PXE boot from the MaaS server.
> 1. I have the two nodes able to be started from the MaaS webinterface 
> with WoL. However, once they are booted I have been unable to find a 
> way of shutting them down or rebooting them except by physically 
> walking up to them and pressing the power button or ctrl-alt-delete. 
> Is there no remote way of doing this?
> 2. In continuance of Q1, I have added my SSH public key in the MaaS 
> webinterface, but I have been unable to login to any of the nodes over 
> SSH. Are there no accounts enabled on MaaS nodes? (this would enable 
> remote shutdown/reboot)
> 3. I have setup ~/.juju/environments.yaml according to the MaaS guide 
> with the OAuth key for my MaaS user. When I run 'juju bootstrap' it 
> seems to work, but 'juju status' only shows one machine. In the MaaS 
> webinterface it says that one of the nodes is allocated to my user, 
> the other still says 'Ready'. How do I get both machines to be 
> available for deployment of juju charms?
> 4. If I later want to add more nodes, will I need to do a new 
> bootstrap to have them available to juju or is there a way to add them?
> -- 
> Anders Bruun Olsen
> It-ansvarlig
> Det Danske Sprog- og Litteraturselskab
> (Society for Danish Language and Literature)
Hello Anders,

1. You can login into the server with the ssh option of juju. Therefore 
your SSH key must be already imported into the node.

2. How have you installed the nodes? Normally the SSH key is added when 
you bootstrap the juju environment and install the node.

3. If you do 'juju bootstrap', one of the nodes will be dedicated to 
juju, and will be used to launch and orchestrate other instances. When 
you add, for example, a node for MySQL 'juju deploy mysql', another node 
will be allocated to your user account.

4. You don't have to bootstrap again. When your node's are ready, you 
can deploy a charm to it.

Again, how did you install the MAAS invironment?

I use the next steps.

1. Installer the maas server with the "create maas server" option (also 
create superuser and install maas-dhcp)
2. create a ssh key for the user
3. import the ssh key into maas
4. create the file ~/.juju/environments.yaml' with the correct settings.
5. Add the nodes to the maas webinterface. This will boot the servers 
(WOL) with the ephemeral boot image, after a short while (maybe a 
minute), the server will automatically shutdown and the status of the 
server will be ready in the webinterface.
6. do 'juju bootstrap', this will boot one of the nodes by WOL and start 
a installation of ubuntu. It will also import you SSH key into the server.
7. do 'juju deploy mysql', this will boot another node by WOL ans start 
a installation of ubuntu including MySQL and will also import you SSH key.

Kind regards,

Jasper Aikema
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