Openldap with samba and ppolic schema
Egbert Jan van den Bussche
egbert at
Wed Nov 2 19:51:58 UTC 2011
Op 2-11-2011 16:34, Richard L. Houston schreef:
> Hello all,
> Long time lurker fist time poster.
> I am setting up a openldap server on 10.04 server but am running into
> issues.
> I have the base system setup with SSL and I can access the ldap server
> with out issue. I can authenticate users for 10.04 desktops with no
> issue. Where I run into issue is converting the ppolice schema file to
> ldif format. I have followed the docs at
> but I
> only really want ppolicy and samba. Is there documentation and or
> already converted schema's for ppolice and samba?
> Thanks for any help anyone can provide.
> On the ldap note, what I would like to know is if there is any
> prepackaged and or scripts that one can run that will leave you with a
> openldap system that can authenticate Windows clients and Linux clients.
> A management util would be nice as well. Here is the where this comes
> from. I have a few Window admin colleges that are interested in Linux as
> a DC for both Win and Lin systems but keep running into the same issue.
> Too much command line for there liking. Following the basics is fine
> like in the link above (read cut and past), but once you run into a
> glitch they are pooched. So as a result, another Win2K8 server with AD
> gets installed.
> I would really like to see a simple Question/answer type script built or
> something that would make it simple for this kind of admin. There are
> allot of admins out there like that and we could get more Ubuntu DC
> server out there if it were not too scary for them.
> If nothing exists would anyone be interested in working together on
> something like that? I am not a programmer and my scripting is enuff to
> get me by but I would love to give ideas, testing or what ever.
> I think a web based tool for managing the DC would be a very good idea
> as well. Maybe a webmin module could be built to do that. That way we
> could leverage some of the already existing webmin modules.
> Thought comments would be appreciated.
> Thanks!
> Rich
Hi Rich.
For simple management have a look at phpldapadmin. For more demanding
tasks Apache Directory Studio is good. Be warned: this is a java /
eclipse thing. You will need some CPU power.
just my 2$c
Egbert Jan, NL
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