Javascript tool that generates the lengthy set of parameters available for ubuntu-vm-builder

Dan Sheffner dsheffner at
Fri May 6 17:01:02 UTC 2011

The site still works fine.  The only thing I would change is hardy to lucid
since lucid is the next LTS (long term support).

sudo ubuntu-vm-builder kvm lucid --arch 'amd64'  --mem '128'  --rootsize
'4096'  --swapsize '1024'  --kernel-flavour 'generic'  --hostname 'ubuntu'
--mirror ''  --components 'main'  --name
'Joe Ubuntu'  --user 'ubuntu'  --pass 'ubuntu'  --ip ''  --mask
''  --gw ''  --dns ''

On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 11:33 AM, Christophe Sauthier <
christophe.sauthier at> wrote:

> Hi,
> On Wed, May 4, 2011 at 11:45 AM,  <jurgen.depicker at> wrote:
> > Hi Dustin.
> >
> > Just a reminder:
> > is no
> longer up
> > to date.  Can it still be used or is it completely outdated?
> This is something that we (in my company) have started to work on
> lately. I'll try to publish it (in a new url) or provide to dustin
> next week.
> All the best,
>            Christophe
> ---
> Christophe Sauthier   -  06 16 98 63 96
> Objectif Libre
> Services et Formations Open Source
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