Server Team Meeting Minutes
Chuck Short
chuck.short at
Tue Mar 8 02:51:57 UTC 2011
Sorry this was late
-- chuck
=== Actions from previous meeting ===
No action was required from the previous meeting.
=== Natty Development ===
Last week alpha3 was released. Blueprints work items should be marked
as postponed if they were completed. Everyone should have been doing
ISO testing last week as well.
[ACTION] Everybody should be doing ISO testing.
=== Ubuntu Server Team Events ===
No new events, but UDS is coming up pretty quickly.
=== Weekly Updates and Questions from the QA Team (hggdh) ===
Hggdh mentioned that he would need help in Alpha 3 testing and some
baremetal installs would help.
=== Weekly Updates and Questions fromt the kernel team (smb) ===
Smb mentioned there was some EC2 testing fallout, some xfs
regresssions, and nome nasty Lucid behavior in net name space (Bug
#720095, Bug #725089, Bug #692848)
=== Weekly Updates from the Server Community team (kim0) ===
Ubuntu cloud days is coming soon
( which is basically similar to
UDW but focus on the cloud.
=== Open Discussion ===
I mentioned that we want to add lxc containers support to the UEC
images and there was no points raised. This would make things like
openstack testing much easier.
=== Next Meeting date and Time ===
Tuesday March 8, 2011 16:00 UTC
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