Proposal for a Remote Desktop Server.

Robbie Williamson robbie at
Thu Jun 2 14:26:17 UTC 2011

On 06/02/2011 08:46 AM, Marcelo Boveto Shima wrote:
> If x2go is the choice for Ubuntu, I have no problem with it, but
> I think it is important to add support for managing remote desktops
> technologies in the core of the session manager. That is the solution I'm
> proposing. The solution will involve lightdm developers and can be started
> now and be stable for Ubuntu 12.04 lts release.
Just for the record, anything involving lightdm development should go
through the Desktop team, specifically Robert Ancell.


Robbie Williamson <robbie at>

"You can't be lucky all the time, but you can be smart everyday"
 -Mos Def

"Arrogance is thinking you are better than everyone else, while
Confidence is knowing no one else is better than you." -Me ;)

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