Bulk updating dozens of (not identical) servers

Robbie Williamson robbie at ubuntu.com
Fri Jan 28 20:01:50 UTC 2011

On 01/28/2011 10:49 AM, John Pugh wrote:
> Sounds to me like you need landscape [1]. Simple, administrative way via
> a browser to see and manage updates to the entire server infrastructure.
> JP
> [1] https://landscape.canonical.com/
+1 on landscape.  Not to be a "company man" :), or discount the other
great solutions mentioned, but landscape is indeed a quick and easy way
to accomplish what you are looking for.

> On 01/27/2011 11:35 PM, Carlos A. Carnero Delgado wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> the number of servers we have in my organization -- both physical and
>> virtual -- is slowly increasing at a steady pace, and the trend will
>> continue for the foreseeable future. It has come to the point that
>> apt-get upgrading && updating each one individually, and manually, is
>> really time consuming and prone to errors. We're looking into stuff
>> like Puppet and Cfengine, and it seems that either will do fine, but
>> we have this "feeling" or notion that they're a little bit heavyweight
>> for our needs. Not to mention the learning curve.
>> So, in the context of *only* dealing with installed packages updates
>> in an automated way[1] and having 8.04 and 10.04 LTS releases in
>> service, do you guys recommend anything? Did you write custom code?
>> Has anyone seen Fabric in the context of systems administration?
>>   [1] Please note that automated here really means "bulk updating" started
>>        from a command (or thingie) given by an administrator. It should not
>>        be interpreted as autonomously contacting repos.
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Carlos.

Robbie Williamson <robbie at ubuntu.com>

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 -Mos Def

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