tomcat startup script not working at boot

Paul Graydon paul at
Fri Feb 25 06:51:10 UTC 2011

On 2/24/2011 7:29 PM, Tapas Mishra wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 7:33 PM, Tapas Mishra<mightydreams at>  wrote:
>> I am having problems in starting tomcat at boot time with an automated
>> script of mine.
>> The Tomcat I am using is 5.5 since Sakai installation of mine depends
>> on 5.5 version on any other version it will break.
>> So /opt/apache-tomcat-5.5.31 is where every thing is and in that
>> bin/ is what I am trying to start each time at boot.
>> After writing the script I have done update-rc.d defaults
>> and I checked from command line
>> /etc/init.d/tomcatstart
>> /etc/init.d/tomcat stop
>> does work
>> where myscript above refers to the script below
>> but the same does not work when I reboot the system.
>> #!/bin/bash
>> #
>> # tomcat
>> #
>> # chkconfig:
>> # description: Start up the Tomcat servlet engine.
>> # Source function library.
>> . /lib/lsb/init-functions
>> RETVAL=$?
>> CATALINA_HOME="/opt/apache-tomcat-5.5.31"
>> case "$1" in
>> start)
>> if [ -f $CATALINA_HOME/bin/ ];
>> then
>> echo $"Starting Tomcat"
>> /opt/apache-tomcat-5.5.31/bin/
>> fi
>> ;;
>> stop)
>> if [ -f $CATALINA_HOME/bin/ ];
>> then
>> echo $"Stopping Tomcat"
>> /opt/apache-tomcat-5.5.31/bin/
>> fi
>> ;;
>> *)
>> echo $"Usage: $0 {start|stop}"
>> exit 1
>> ;;
>> esac
>> exit $RETVAL
>> any pointers?
>> --
> My script has finally worked.
> For some weired reason the script was not working after reboot and it
> turns out that this Tomcat was not able to pick JAVA_HOME from .bashrc
> at the boot time.So when I defined JAVA_HOME in the above script also
> then it did worked.
> I do not know why Tomcat could not pick it from .bashrc at boot time
> because once the thing completely booted then
> /etc/init.d/tapas-script start
> was working but to make sure it survives reboots I had to add
> JAVA_HOME in this script also (though it was defined in .bashrc)
Automatically executed scripts don't pick up stuff from a specific users 
environment, its best to assume they're blank slates.   General rule of 
thumb is to always set the entire environment you want at the start of 
any script, otherwise what works when manually executed won't work 
automatically, or might not work how you intend.


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