Intel matrix storage manager support?

jurgen.depicker at jurgen.depicker at
Tue Feb 15 14:00:31 UTC 2011

Hi Ken.

It is not a matter of being faster or not; it would just be nice to have 
the possibility to clone easily such systems using CloneZilla (which has a 
ubuntu-based livecd) as I do with other systems in my network.

Kind regards,
Jürgen Depicker

From:   Ken Hansen <n2vip at>
To:     "jurgen.depicker at" <jurgen.depicker at>
Cc:     "ubuntu-server at" <ubuntu-server at>
Date:   15/02/2011 14:23
Subject:        Re: Intel matrix storage manager support?

I was under the impression that the 'fakeraid' on, for example, Intel 
motherboards was not significantly faster than more traditional software 
RAID, so there was little reason to maintain drivers that would enable the 
use of 'fakeraid' in a non-Windows system... Has this changed? Are the 
on-board Intel 'fakeraid' solutions faster than pure software RAID 

The Intel on-board RAID solutions always seemed designed more as marketing 
check-offs than an optimal solution to any particular storage issue, but 
I'll confess I haven't been following it that closely...


On Feb 15, 2011, at 8:10 AM, jurgen.depicker at wrote:

Dear all, 

As you may know, many Intel motherboards ship with a BIOS fakeraid 
(software raid).  Presently, Ubuntu doesn't seem to know how to handle 
these, apparently due to mdadm being too old:
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