ServerGuide reviewers needed

Scott Kitterman ubuntu at
Mon Aug 22 19:09:04 UTC 2011

On Monday, August 22, 2011 02:51:31 PM Paul wrote:
> On 08/22/2011 04:00 AM, Scott Kitterman wrote:
> > On Monday, August 22, 2011 08:21:35 AM Ahmed Kamal wrote:
> >> On 08/21/2011 09:31 PM, Paul Graydon wrote:
> >>> On 08/17/2011 06:33 AM, Ahmed Kamal wrote:
> >>>> Hi folks,
> >>>> 
> >>>> As you know Adam the maintainer of the serverguide had stepped down.
> >>>> I'm trying to assemble a team of server oriented folks who are
> >>>> interested in reviewing the Ubuntu server guide (making sure all the
> >>>> info inside is fresh and accurate), this is only part of it, the team
> >>>> would also work on creating a fresh chapter on UbuntuCloud
> >>>> (openstack+orchestra+Ensemble).
> >>>> 
> >>>> If you are interested, please raise your hand
> >>>> 
> >>>> Cheers
> >>> 
> >>> Hi Ahmed,
> >>> 
> >>> Is there a general idea of what level we ought to be aiming the
> >>> documentation at?  There is a bunch of things that could be added to
> >>> the MySQL section, for example, without turning it into a full on
> >>> MySQL Guide (unless that's what we're aiming at?).  Currently it's
> >>> focussed along the lines of 'this is how you install it, start it and
> >>> a couple of minor tweaks'.  It could be filled out with brief
> >>> discussion of the different storage engines provided by the packages,
> >>> their strengths and weaknesses etc.  The approach seems to vary
> >>> between different sections of the documentation, and even within the
> >>> same chapter.  It would seem in general that the database section is
> >>> woefully lacking in detail compared to other chapters.
> >>> 
> >>> Paul
> >> 
> >> Hi everyone,
> >> 
> >> So I got two questions that I'd like to answer publicly
> >> 
> >> 1- What is our deadline
> >> 2- What is the depth needed for the review
> >> 
> >> My answer is
> >> 
> >> 1- I'm no docs expert, but I checked and Oneiric "documentation string
> >> freeze" is Sep 15th. Allowing for 10 days for merge proposal
> >> discussions, we would have only *two weeks* starting today (22Aug-5Sep)
> >> to get all the content you would like to review in a "ready to merge"
> >> state from your perspective. As you can see this is not a lot of time,
> >> so your prompt help is needed
> > 
> > Documentation string freeze is for documentation shipped in the archive. 
> > A few release cycles ago we removed the ubuntu-serverguide package and
> > the guide is provided via now, so we should have more
> > time.  That doesn't mean people shouldn't start working now, but it's
> > not yet critical.
> So I should be okay for making some major changes to the chapter?  If
> we're focussed on short term there are just a few small changes to make
> that I could do in about 5 minutes at lunchtime and commit.  I should be
> able to get the MySQL section sorted in greater detail within about a
> week, maybe two at the outside.  Postgresql will take me longer as I'm
> unfamiliar with it, but it's been something I've been meaning to learn
> (however if someone else wants to run with it, let me know.)

I think the first priority should still be to verify the current content is 
correct for 11.10/Oneiric and to address bugs the people have filed.  We do 
have time for more than that however.

It's difficult to find a correct balance between "Here's how to do it in a good, 
reliable way that works on Ubuntu, but it's only suitable for very narrow use 
cases" and "Oops, just replicated the upstream documentation and confused new 

I think some thoughts on different storage engines, why one might pick different 
ones, and how to get each going on Ubuntu would be useful with pointers to 
upstream documentation on the details of each.

I always like it when someone comes into #ubuntu-server and asks for help, 
"I've been try to X based on random internet HOWTO Y and it doesn't work", I 
point them at the server guide and say "Do it this way and let me know if you 
have problems" and they either don't come back or come back to say "That 
worked, thanks".  If you're into MySQL, you probably have a better idea of 
what X is than I do and you should just go tackle it.

Scott K

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