Ubuntu Server Guide and LDAP multi-master replication

Adam Sommer asommer70 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 13 20:29:52 UTC 2010


On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 3:20 PM, Etienne Goyer
<etienne.goyer at canonical.com>wrote:

> This is where I disagree: I do not think MMR is useful for the common
> scenario, and actually has drawbacks (and, yes, add complexity too).  I
> am not *against* documenting MMR, but we should steer users toward the
> standard directory model first and foremost.
> HA is a completely different topic, and not one the guide try to address
> in that section.  At least, not in its current form.
I agree with you Etienne, and it's on my TODO list to update the OpenLDAP
section with instructions for a master/slave replication setup.  Also, I
believe there is a somewhat recent bug suggesting just that.

We could move, after improving if needed, the MMR instructions to the wiki
to help those that prefer that setup.  I'm not sure how much time I'll have
to work on it this week, but any  and all patches are very welcome :-).

Party On,
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