Ubuntu server LAMP + Active Directory

Javier Palacios javiplx at gmail.com
Sat Apr 10 11:47:05 UTC 2010

On Fri, Apr 9, 2010 at 4:14 PM, justino garcia <jgarciaitlist at gmail.com> wrote:
> Can I join a Ubuntu server Lamp with, my AD for single sign on?
> what are the suggestions?

Depending of what do you want, kerberos could suffice. If you want web
single sign on it is enough to create a principal in AD for the
webserver. There are some tools from microsofg (ktpass or similar if I
remember well), but I did nevert get them working smoothly. You have
also samba, that allows you to easily join your node to the domain
(net ads join with security set to ADS, again if I remember well). And
you can try with adkadmin
(http://www.css-security.com/cgi-bin/dnld_list.pl) which works as
standar kadmin and is the cleanest way, if it does still work.

Javier Palacios

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