Reporting bugs with the Ubuntu EC2 images

Eric Hammond esh at
Thu Sep 10 03:18:09 UTC 2009

I used to send folks here to report bugs running Ubuntu on EC2:

Where should they go in the new bug structure?

It seems unlikely that EC2 users will know what package is causing their

How do I find all bugs tagged with "ec2-images' no matter what package
they are assigned to?  This doesn't work:

Should all Ubuntu on EC2 bugs be filed against "ubuntu"?

It seems more complicated to have to tell people reporting bugs to open
the "Extra Options" and add a tag of "ec2-images".

Perhaps we should have a wiki page with complete instructions on how to
file a problem with Ubuntu on EC2 including things like "Report the AMI
id of the image you are running".

Eric Hammond
ehammond at

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