vps recommendations

Etienne Goyer etienne.goyer at canonical.com
Wed Oct 28 03:25:40 UTC 2009

Sorry to bring back that thread from the past, but this is worth an update.

Etienne Goyer wrote:
> FYI, I blogged about my experience with Linode:
>     http://etienneg.wordpress.com/2009/08/06/pimp-my-vps-linode-com/
> TL;DR: I am very satisfied with them.

It seems like Linode just had their worst downtime ever.  My VPS was
down for over six hours.  Ouch.

So far, I still consider myself satisfied with Linode.  But they do have
downtime indeed, as to be expected.

Etienne Goyer
Technical Account Manager - Canonical Ltd
Ubuntu Certified Instructor

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