ubuntu RBLDNS?

Jorge Armando Medina jmedina at e-compugraf.com
Sun Oct 25 21:57:35 UTC 2009

ahsiangsiang wrote:
> Hi Matt,
> I actually looking on build a RBLDNS server for my Email server, and
> we will locate it in other data center as well. I searching around
> RBLDNSD but the latest update was 2007 (if not mistake)
I don't know RBLDNSD, I use postfix with rbl using spamhaus and spamcop
black lists, also at first checks I check invalid and non_fqdn HELO/EHLO
commands, if you want more controls you can try to use a policy plugin
for postfix like post http://postfwd.org/, check the features:


    * Complex combinations of smtp parameters in a single rule
    * Macros/ACLs/Groups for frequently used statements
    * Combined asynchronous dnsbl lookups with arbitrary actions
      depending on the results
      (e.g. allows dns whitelists or selective greylisting based on rbl
      lookup results)
    * Automatic deactivation of non-responding dnsbls
    * Rate limits for message count and size
    * Scoring system for fine granular access control
    * Date/time based rules
    * Conditional jumps to certain rules (like iptables -j)
    * Internal caching for requests and dns lookups
    * Runs as network daemon (no need to spawn processes)
    * Built in statistics for rule efficiency analysis

> i looking for idea and suggestion.
> Thanks
> On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 3:32 PM, Matt Darcy
> <ubuntu.lists at projecthugo.co.uk
> <mailto:ubuntu.lists at projecthugo.co.uk>> wrote:
>     What do you mean any RBLDNS documentation ?
>     how do you want to use RBL, with what application, what RBL
>     application
>     do you want to use? what RBL lists do you want to use ?
>     RBL will be the same on ubuntu as it is on any other Linux
>     distribution,
>     what's important is what service you want to use it with and how.
>     Matt
>     ahsiangsiang wrote:
>     > Hi Guys,
>     >
>     > is there any RBLDNS documentation for Ubuntu?
>     >
>     >
> -- 
> i'm
> Soon Siang, Shio
> a Linux Toy Player
> [please ping me at:] ahsiangsiang at gmail.com
> <mailto:ahsiangsiang at gmail.com>
> [also at:] +6012-488-3692
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> ahsiangsiang in
> .- .... ... .. .- -. --. ... .. .- -. --. morse code
> ahsiangsiang
> ASCII code

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