Eucalyptus UEC-003 Test Results

Joseph Salisbury josephtsalisbury at
Sat Oct 10 01:10:44 UTC 2009

On Fri, Oct 9, 2009 at 8:28 PM, Dustin Kirkland
<dustin.kirkland at> wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 9, 2009 at 6:54 PM, Joseph Salisbury
> <josephtsalisbury at> wrote:
>> I completed the testcase UEC-003 as it is listed on:
>> There were no errors reported during any of the steps listed in the
>> testcase.  However, I did notice that there was not a step listed to
>> specifically add the "Node Controller" installed in testcase UEC-002.
>> Then again, I'm still fairly new with Eucalyptus ;-)
>> One thing I did notice was that the "Node Controller" was not
>> available on the network(Or from the Cluster Controller) via ssh,
>> ping, etc by using the IP address specified during installation.
>> Maybe this is to be expected?
> Joe-
> Thanks so much for responding to our call for testing.
> Step 1 on that page should have found your node on your network:
>   1. On Cluster search and confirm the addition of the node, type
>      sudo euca_conf --no-rsync --discover-nodes

I don't believe that my node was found.  But then again, I never told
the Cluster what my nodes IP address(Or MAC Address) was, so how could
it know how to address it?  During the Cluster installation, I
specified some Virtual IP Addresses that will be used(Step 26 of
UEC-001), but nothing specific to a node.  Should the be a step in
UEC-003 to do something like: sudo euca_conf -addnode
IP_ADDRESS_OF_NODE ? The following is the output from that command:
### Begin Output ###
$ sudo euca_conf --no-rsync --discover-nodes
--2009-10-09 16:17:28--
Connecting to connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 730 [text/html]
Saving to: `STDOUT'

100%[======================================>] 730         --.-K/s   in 0s

2009-10-09 16:17:28 (152 MB/s) - `-' saved [730/730]

INFO: We expect all nodes to have eucalyptus installed in
//var/lib/eucalyptus/keys for key

### End Output ###

> However, if your node is not responding to network traffic, then it
> won't be discoverable.
Yes :-) So the euca_conf -addnode command I mentioned earlier would
have probably failed anyway.
> Did you configure the networking of that Node Controller to use static
> networking?  Also, do you have more than one network interface?  If
> you answer "yes" to either question, I suspect you're hitting:
>  *

I answer yes to both those questions ;-)  I have four network
interfaces(But the installer only lets me specify one).  I specified a
static IP address for eth0.
It does look like the description for bug 446023.

> If this looks like your bug, would you please attach your Node's
> /etc/network/interfaces file to that bug?

Yes, I will do this.  But I think I'll have to manually write down the
contents of the interfaces file from the console and then type it back
in, since there's no network access ;-)  I'll have to do this on
Monday when I have physical access to the machine again.

Thanks for the feedback.

> Thanks,
> :-Dustin

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