Dapper deb on hardy

Ryan Parrish rparrish at freightlogistics.com
Tue May 19 13:15:55 UTC 2009

Never tried this, but maybe prevu would work the other direction?


On May 19, 2009, at 2:49 AM, Gaute Amundsen wrote:

> Right..
> Using an old binary package. A bit optimistic that :)
> As I read it now, the best approach would be to build my own package:
> http://www.debian.org/doc/FAQ/ch-pkg_basics.en.html#s-sourcebuild
> Any other suggestions?
> Gaute
> On Tuesday 19 May 2009 08:11:15 Gaute Amundsen wrote:
>> Hi
>> For various reasons I need to run zope 2.8 and python 2.3 on our  
>> new Hardy
>> server.
>> I would really like to avoid compiling form source with all that  
>> entails.
>> Is installing the dapper packages on hardy a viable alternative?
>> The answer to this this may be common knowledge among server  
>> people, but
>> google did not tun up anything obvious, so I'm posing the question  
>> here,
>> while I keep digging :)
>> Thanks
>> Gaute Amundsen
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Ryan Parrish - Information Technology Manager
Freight Logistics 12200 NW 25th Street Suite 105 Miami FL 33182
O: 786-235-7800 x 102 F: 786-235-7801 M: 408-966-4673

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