Please review and advocate 389-directory-server (a successor of LDAP) related packages in REVU so that 389 can make it into Karmic

Mathias Gug mathiaz at
Tue Jul 21 19:26:34 UTC 2009

Hi Victor,

On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 9:53 AM, Victor Hugo dos
Santos<listas.vhs at> wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 18, 2009 at 11:06 PM, Kai-Cheung
> Leung<kcleung at> wrote:
> outside this commentary, I agree que FDS is a better solution for
> manager LDAP/OpenLDAP structure.

Could you be more specific about the advantages of 389 directory over openldap?

One of the best ldap server (openldap) is already available in the
archive and I was wondering what are the advantages of having another
full-blown ldap server to maintain in addition to openldap?

Mathias Gug
Ubuntu Developer

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