mysql 5.1 patch to separate data files

Harald Sitter apachelogger at
Wed Jan 21 14:53:05 UTC 2009


In order to make Amarok (embedded mysql 5.1) and Akonadi (mysql 5.0) on 
Kubuntu co-installable again, we'd like to upload a revised mysql-5.1 package 
with your consent :) 

Attached you'll find a debdiff for current mysql-5.1 packaging, moving data files 
to a spearate package, which can be used by applications with embedded mysql 
(e.g. amarok).
We changed the datadir to /usr/share/mysql-5.1, to make this new data package 
co-installable with mysql-server-5.0 (e.g. as used by akonadi).

I have also added a couple of replaces/conflicts for the unofficial amarok-mysql 
packages Kubuntu published for the Amarok 2 deployment on Intrepid.

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