Share port 80 with same Public IP
Gilberto Nunes
gilberto.nunes at
Fri Aug 21 16:26:13 UTC 2009
Hi James
I almost there!!!
I deploy a web server with apache, following some tricks found here, on
list and the google.
I using, of course, a Linux Ubuntu 9.04.
Here my config.:
(file /etc/apache2/conf.d/proxy)
<IfModule mod_proxy.c>
<VirtualHost *:80>
ProxyPreserveHost Off
ProxyPass /
ProxyPassReverse /
<Directory /var/www/subdomain1>
Order Allow,deny
Allow from all
Redirect Permanent /
<IfModule mod_proxy.c>
<VirtualHost *:80>
ProxyPreserveHost Off
ProxyPass /
ProxyPassReverse /
<Directory /var/www/subdomain2>
Order Allow,deny
Allow from all
Redirect Permanent /
ProxyVia On
<IfModule mod_disk_cache.c>
CacheRoot "/usr/local/apache/proxy"
CacheSize 5
CacheGcInterval 4
CacheMaxExpire 24
CacheLastModifiedFactor 0.1
CacheDefaultExpire 1
However when I try to access the subdomains out of my LAN (i.e. on WAN),
i get this error:
[client] client denied by server configuration:
[client] client denied by server configuration:
I get this error from /var/log/apache2/error.log
Some light!!!
Em Qui, 2009-08-20 às 16:32 -0500, James Dinkel escreveu:
> On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 4:22 PM, Gilberto Nunes
> <gilberto.nunes at> wrote:
> Hi all
> I need a miracle here :)
> I have one and jsut one Public IP.
> I need that this one Public IP get response for two different
> domain and
> get response to and from port 80.
> One of web server is in windows 2003 server and other web
> server is in
> other host, both running IIS 6.0.
> So, with simple words, I nedd have different DNS names, using
> the same
> public IP and the same port 80.
> There is some way to depploy this feature??
> Well, I don´t if via Iptables or via DNS whatever, but I
> suppose that
> have a solution for this case...
> Somebody can help me please???
> This is not at all a problem. You'll have to put in a third server
> with Apache on it. Of course I would suggest Ubuntu Server, but you
> could also install Apache on one of the two existing servers BUT you
> would have to have IIS on that server listen on a different port than
> port 80.
> You'll need to have both dns names pointing to the ip address of the
> server with Apache on it, then set up Named Virtual Hosts in Apache -
> one virtual host for each dns name. The set up proxy rules in each
> virtual host to pull the web page from the appropriate IIS server.
> This is a very standard setup on Apache and it's what we do at the
> place I work.
> Sorry I don't have time to go into more detail, but if you google for
> Named Virtual Hosts on Apache, you should find all the information you
> need.
> Brazen
Gilberto Nunes Ferreira
Selbetti Gestão de Documentos
Telefone: +55 (47) 3441-6004
Celular: +55 (47) 8861-6672
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