Share port 80 with same Public IP

Isaque Alves isaquealves at
Fri Aug 21 14:46:58 UTC 2009

If you have only a public IP, and want to share it between to different
host, i just think the better way to do it is using a DNS Server that will
control the requisitions and redirect the access to the correct host in your
network. The port 80 will be shared, and you will need to configure
netfilter rules too...

This is not a 'very simple task' but can be done!!

Any other questions?
Or as said, you could use a proxy server...

On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 6:22 PM, Gilberto Nunes <
gilberto.nunes at> wrote:

> Hi all
> I need a miracle here :)
> I have one and jsut one Public IP.
> I need that this one Public IP get response for two different domain and
> get response to and from port 80.
> One of web server is in windows 2003 server and other web server is in
> other host, both running IIS 6.0.
> So, with simple words, I nedd have different DNS names, using the same
> public IP and the same port 80.
> There is some way to depploy this feature??
> Well, I don´t if via Iptables or via DNS whatever, but I suppose that
> have a solution for this case...
> Somebody can help me please???
> Thanks
> Gilberto Nunes Ferreira
> TI
> Selbetti Gestão de Documentos
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> não ser por Mim.
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> without Me...
> <><
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Isaque Vieira de Sousa Alves

Estudante de Sistemas de Informação - FAP Parnaíba
GNU/Linux User
OSUM Member
Ubuntu Server Team Member
Web Developer com experiência em PHP/Javascript
Autodidata em Teologia, Filosofia e Eletrônica.
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