Just an Hello

Lorenzo Salvadorini lorenzo.salvadorini at softecspa.it
Wed Aug 19 13:49:34 UTC 2009

Hi, let me give my stats: in my company we have 2 nagios server with 
small hardware resources: the firstone is an old PIII with a few number 
of services/host monitored, the second one is an ubuntu VM with 1 vCPU, 
1GB ram: it monitor 104 hosts and 634 services with load_avg always under 1.

Active Service Checks:
<= 1 minute: 	271 (42.7%)
<= 5 minutes: 	634 (100.0%)
<= 15 minutes: 	634 (100.0%)
<= 1 hour: 	634 (100.0%)
Since program start:   	634 (100.0%)

Metric 	Min. 	Max. 	Average
Check Execution Time:   	0.01 sec 	30.06 sec 	1.189 sec
Check Latency: 	0.01 sec 	1.33 sec 	0.553 sec
Percent State Change: 	0.00% 	15.46% 	0.22%

Active Host Checks:
Time Frame 	Checks Completed
<= 1 minute: 	0 (0.0%)
<= 5 minutes: 	5 (4.8%)
<= 15 minutes: 	6 (5.8%)
<= 1 hour: 	6 (5.8%)
Since program start:   	21 (20.2%)

Metric 	Min. 	Max. 	Average
Check Execution Time:   	0.00 sec 	10.04 sec 	0.622 sec
Check Latency: 	0.00 sec 	3.10 sec 	0.030 sec
Percent State Change: 	0.00% 	11.58% 	0.28%

Nagios is super-efficient!

See you,
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