Milter or amavis?

Michael Zoet Michael.Zoet at
Fri Apr 10 07:23:57 UTC 2009

Hash: SHA1

Ante Karamatić schrieb:
> U Pet, 10. 04. 2009., u 17:37 +1100, Laurent Dinclaux je napisao/la:
>> So what are the advantages of using amavisd-new over spamass-milter
>> and clamav-milter ?
> I'm not sure what are the possibilities of milters, but amavis has these
> great features (among others):
Milter is a more generalized plugin system for sendmail. So you need
an MTA that is compatible with the milter interface of sendmail. As
far as I know postfix supports (or will be in the future) sendmail
mitler plugins. For other MTAs I have no idea. There are a lot of
different kinds of milters. Not only milters for SpamAssassin and ClamAV.
Milters are setup easily in sendmail. Far more easer then setting up
sendmail + amavis and you have a performance improvement. And by using
milters you can use the standard configuration files for the programms
you use. That means for example you configure /etc/spamassassin/* and
/etc/clamav/* if you use these milters. Not /etc/amavis/* and things
in the home dir of the amavis user. Maybe this is not so important for
people reading this but I know SysAdmins that do not cope with the
Amavis configuration very well.

> - per user configuration
> - LDAP/SQL configuration backend
> - integration of multiple antivirus and antispam solutions
> - SQL backend for quarantine (makes possible to have web based access to
> quarantine)
> - it's in main
Most of this can also be achieved using milter plugins (regarding the
use of SpamAssassin and ClamAV).

In the past I had configured both and both work well. And if you are
the only MailAdmin on the system you should choose what you know best.

- --
Michael Zoet
System- und Netzwerk-Administration
Schwedenstr. 18c
13357 Berlin
Tel.: 0163 48 11 626
Tel.: 030 49 79 56 81
E-Mail: Michael.Zoet at
Jabber: michazoet at

Ubuntu Deutschland e.V.
c-base e.V.

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