company exchange server & exim best practices.

James Dinkel jdinkel at
Fri Apr 3 13:36:47 UTC 2009

We use a Postfix server set up as an smtp relay that also filters all
messages going through it for spam and viruses.  There is a very thorough
guide here:

It's actually for another Debian-derived distro called crunchbang, but I
don't see anything that shouldn't work equally on Ubuntu.  This will "push"
email to your Exchange server via smtp so be sure your Exchange server is
set to accept smtp messages (just in case it had been changed when you set
it up to pull messages via pop3).


2009/4/3 Ante Karamatić <ivoks at>

> U Pet, 03. 04. 2009., u 09:40 +0200, Rudi Ahlers je napisao/la:
> > So, I would like to know, is there a way to "push" (not forward) mail
> > from the Linux server, after it has arrived and spam been blocked, to
> > another domain, but with the same email address? i.e. the domain in
> > question is and I've setup as the
> > dynamic domain, but the exchange serves email for
> > Forwarding email doesn't work, since there's no such user as
> > bob at, but rather bob at
> Of course. I do it with postfix all the time. I accept mail, check it
> for spam and viruses and then use postfix's transport_table to determine
> where to forward that mail. Then I have a script that connects to
> Exchange and pulls valid emails from it and at the end generates a file
> that is used for transport_table.
> There are couple of howtos on the Internet:
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