using a Live CD to transparently migrate Microsoft file and print sharing (Re: TurnKey Linux: new project builds Ubuntu based Live CD appliances)

Karl Goetz karl at
Tue Sep 16 03:57:10 UTC 2008

On Mon, 2008-09-15 at 14:56 +0300, Liraz Siri wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Onno Benschop wrote:
> | Wow,
> |
> | Everything old is new again. Here is a link to an article[1] I wrote in
> | November 2003 which describes some of what you describe and combines
> | nicely with TurnKey :)
> |
> |     *
> |
> Wow indeed, I think using Live CDs to transparently migrate Microsoft
> File and Print sharing servers off to Linux/Samba is a terrific idea.
> Implementing this would require a bit of R&D work though. For example,
> how do you read all of the configuration settings from the Microsoft
> server and migrate them to Samba? I imagine you would need some software
> for that. Could this be made compatible enough with the old Microsoft
> server so that IT staff wouldn't have to run around reconfiguring
> anything or diagnosing various things that have suddenly broken?

Doesnt samba4 ship with a vampire ?

Karl Goetz <karl at>
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